Clean Injection CI850 Series 850cc injectors are Bosch Motorsport base injectors. Designed to suit Toyota with Nippon Denso connectors. Injectors have 14mm viton top and bottom orings with 60mm oring to oring length.Clean Injection CI850 series injectors have full stainless steel internationals making it compatible with all known fuels including e85. The injectors retains a consistent linear flow from 2bar to 5bar fuel pressure. Very tuner friendly with fuel trimming down to 1ms. Every set of Injectors that leaves Clean Injection goes through extensive testing on industry leading ASNU Classic test equipment. Every set is flow tested statically, dynamically, and packed in balanced sets within 1 percent. Injectors will come with flow sheet with full data specs including injector latency/dead time data to make tuning breeze.INJECTOR FEATURES:
- Flow Matched Sets within ≤ 1% Static and Dynamic flow rates
- Full Injector Latency Data Provided
- Tunable to factory Rock solid Idle
- Excellent Fuel Atomization
- Direct Plug and Play Fit
- Fast Response time
- Consistent performance all the way to 7 BAR
- 2 Year Unlimited Mile Warranty
- Stainless Steel Internals
- Compatible with all known race fuels including E85
Injector specs:
Static Flow Rate @ 43.5PSI (300 KPa) = 850cc/min
Coil Resistance: 12 Ohms / High Impedance / Saturated14mm Inlet Diameter o-rings
60MM length
Factory fitted with Viton upper and lower o-ring
Bosch 850cc ev14 Fuel Injectors 14mm top bottom orings 60mm length Nippon Denso